What Arnold Saw
Brad / 12-29-09
    guest / 12-29-09 / 4:05 pm

    Brad? Oh nice goin’ Brad.

    Rex / 01-09-10 / 12:27 pm

    A: I am here I am ready to do the photo shoot for the DVD box.

    D: OK hi Arnold, just give me one second…

    A: Hey you idiot I said I am ready lets get this show on the road.

    D: Absolutely Mr. Schwarzenegger. Would you mind kneeling on this padded support here?

    A: This one here? Certainly.

    D: OK and you can keep your hands at your sides. Its just going to be a close up of your face.

    A: Just looking at the camera?

    D: No, we’re going to put the goggles prop there, the ones from the movie.

    A: With the lights in the eyes? That one?

    D: Yes, they’re just bringing it over now.

    A: Aargh I hate that stupid thing.

    D: OK here it is. Hey Marcella, would you go get the LED power supply from Terry? Just one minute while we set this up Mr. Schwarzenegger.

    A: Yes fine.

    D: Hey Terry! Terry! …There we go… There we go.

    T: All set.

    D: OK Mr. Schwarzenegger, we’re going to do one with lights on and one with lights off OK?

    A: I hate those stupid lights they get in my eyes.

    D: I know, it’ll just be quick OK? You can keep your eyes closed. Lights off first.

    A: What is my face supposed to be like?

    D: One second… I’m sorry?

    A: My expression. The expression on my face for the DVD box cover what is it like?

    D: Well, just imagine you are looking at a futuristic world.

    A: OK.

    D: Hmmm. Maybe try less serious. More contemplative.

    A: But you said I am imagining a futuristic world.

    D: Well try imagining something else. Terry hold please.

    A: Why don’t I just imagine that I am here?

    D: Here?

    A: Yes, here in this room.

    D: Sure.

    A: Fine, I’ll just imagine that I am looking at the photo studio.

    D: Perfect. Great. Great. Great. Perfect. One more. Perfect.

    Deeper / 01-19-10 / 8:29 am

    What arnold…saw?