two hearts beat as one


Omario / 01-18-11
    Deeper / 01-18-11 / 12:54 pm

    guest / 01-20-11 / 12:43 pm

    Omario / 01-20-11 / 4:31 pm


    sounder2 / 01-21-11 / 9:37 am

    According to the Australian authors of the study, the connection is not, in fact, a causal one. Kidney disease doesn’t cause the hearing loss, or vice versa. So what explains the correlation between them? Dr. David Harris, of the University of Sydney, is one of the study authors. He explains that there are “structural and functional similarities” between tissues in the kidney and the inner ear. So the same physical pressures, toxins, and risk factors that affect kidneys may also affect the inner ear.