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Three of these share icons are fakes:

Can you guess all three correctly?



Answer will be given in comments once somebody wins!


INFOpruner / 08-16-08
    jeff / 08-16-08 / 6:11 pm

    does the old google logo count?

    INFOpruner / 08-16-08 / 8:59 pm

    nope that is so real

    Deeper / 08-20-08 / 6:14 pm

    too hard- except for nerds like you i guess!

    INFOpruner / 08-20-08 / 8:13 pm

    yeah when I first saw these three rows of logos on a blog I thought at least half of them were fake

    Deeper / 08-21-08 / 10:41 am

    they were all on ONE blog? i mean i think it must be pretty wishful thinking of bloggers to expect people to click even one of those damn buttons, but 30? groan.

    INFOpruner / 08-21-08 / 4:59 pm

    I see a lot of blogs that have at least a row of 12 or 24 of these. A really sad desperation. They are just begging “please notice me, please help give me web fame” — but the groveling is transparent.

    Spacer / 08-24-08 / 11:21 am

    18, 20, 25

    INFOpruner / 08-24-08 / 5:55 pm

    YES!!! Spacer got them all. You win the T shirt.