The post that pushed off the front page


Deeper / 03-16-09
    INFOpruner / 03-16-09 / 3:31 pm

    :) finally 😆

    scatboy / 03-16-09 / 4:31 pm

    thank you, couldn’t take the balls no more

    INFOpruner / 03-16-09 / 7:23 pm

    Shit there were a lot of posts today, but I will always remember this one as the one that defeated the stupid glass explosion sound. David would be proud of this.

    sounder2 / 03-16-09 / 8:43 pm

    today was quite a day… is it the official one day posting record?

    reprter666 / 04-11-09 / 8:41 am

    We are almost done with a 8 month investigation of the security breaches at one CALIFORNIA web site, business operates out a house in Santee, CA. There has been loss of personal data and total indifference to the leak by both the site owner and web master. SHOCKING revelations about site security seals and their standard.. This is an eye opener to anyone thinking that security seals protect you.